Juicy Nuggets Articles and Latest News
Getting Better at Managing Conflict
The potential for conflict is a given in most human interactions. Rather than trying to resolve conflict in the moment when tempers flare and emotions run high, effective leaders adopt a proactive approach that encourages constructive conflict behaviors and minimizes...
Don’t Feed Your Head Junk Food
This time of year people tend to think about changes they want to make. New Year’s resolutions often center on physical health, like exercising more or losing weight. An equally important area to focus on is mental and emotional health. Imagine a steady diet of junk...
Is Your Job Still Fulfilling?
If you’re not paying attention it’s easy to overlook telltale signs that you’re not engaged in your current job. Changes happen gradually, then one day you realize that your job isn’t fulfilling. Before the situation goes critical, look for these warning signs: When...
The Power of an Apology
In studying gender differences in communication, bestselling author and Georgetown University linguistics professor Deborah Tannen found that men’s and women’s views on apologies are poles apart. Women seemingly say “I’m sorry” at the drop of a hat, while men are more...
Strength Development: Growth that Feels Good
All too often, employee development can feel like a search and destroy mission. Organizations train managers to identify, target and extinguish employees’ deficiencies.
Love and the Bottom Line
A few years ago my colleague Lori Zukin and I presented a series of workshops titled “Love and the Bottom Line.” Our premise was that being kind and caring toward employees not only doesn’t cost a lot but actually increases profitability for organizations. We began by...
Decision-Making Flaws and Fixes
Many times I’ve observed leadership teams trying to decide where to focus support and funding among several projects and opportunities. Leaders typically advocate for their favorite projects, explaining the benefits and projected return on investment. Rarely will that...
Am I Invisible?
When I was in graduate school, the professor asked our math class if anyone wanted to go sailing on Friday. There were only ten of us in the class, and none of the nine men raised their hands. But I, the only woman, raised my hand as high as I could get it. The...