Challenging Groupthink

Challenging Groupthink

Why do good people go along with bad decisions? In late 1959, Chevrolet introduced a car that Ralph Nadar would famously declare was “Unsafe at Any Speed,” as he titled his 1965 book. According to Nadar, the engineers who built the Corvair knew its rear-engine,...
Finding the True Goal

Finding the True Goal

Whose Goal Is It Anyway? Have you ever had your heart set on something, but when you got it you wondered what you were thinking? When coaching someone, I ask about their goals. Sometimes they tell me what they think their goals should be, but they’re not really what...
How to Ward Off Energy Vampires

How to Ward Off Energy Vampires

A colleague and I were discussing how some people give you energy while others drain the life out of you. At work, these “energy vampires” come in several guises: Whiners and complainers grumble about what’s wrong but don’t offer any suggestions for change Needy...