Juicy Nuggets Articles and Latest News
Are You Tough Enough to Lead?
My summer reading has included Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson and Brad Stone’s The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon. I was surprised by how often the ideas of these two visionary businessmen were criticized by investors, their leadership team, and...
Are Your Dreams Big Enough?
Many of us go through life putting one foot in front of the other without taking time to reflect on our path. Do we know where our path is taking us? Is it where we want to go? Would another path or destination be preferable? One of the benefits that a coach offers is...
How do you drain the swamp when alligators are nipping at your heels?
Some of my clients find themselves in a catch-22. They don’t have enough people or the right people to get the job done, but they don’t have the time to recruit, interview, hire, on-board, and train the people who can get it done. In coaching sessions, they have many...
Advice for Prophets: Go Outside to Get In
Have you ever made a recommendation to leadership that fell on deaf ears, but then a consultant, new employee or customer makes the recommendation and all of a sudden leadership thinks it’s the best idea since cupholders in cars? Leaders seem to believe people outside...
Trust: The Lifeblood of Healthy Organizations
“What, you don’t trust me?" Becky asked her boss, Pat, when he told her he needed to get daily progress reports from her. “Sure . . . I trust you,” Pat replied after an awkward pause. “It’s . . . my boss. She’s a stickler for all this administrative stuff.” Becky...
Riding the Career Rollercoaster
When it comes to career highs and lows, many of us obsess about the troughs and skim over the crests. But if we take the long view — seeing these ups and downs as recurring patterns that are neither good nor bad — we can better manage our response and accept the...
Becoming the Architect of Your Career
After earning an undergraduate degree in mathematics I pursued a career in systems engineering. I found the work enjoyable enough but realized that a sizable part of my brain wasn’t fully engaged in it. So I went to business school to find my next career. At the end...
Great Managers: The X Factor Driving Engagement
The best companies want engaged employees. The Gallup Organization surveyed over 30,000 employees in 2018 and found that fully two-thirds said they were disengaged from their work. Imagine the loss of productivity, poor customer relations and opportunities that are...