Juicy Nuggets Articles and Latest News

Influence is More Effective than Authority

Influence is More Effective than Authority

Some influence styles focus on uniting and collaborating while others focus on advocating. Discovery Learning, Inc., has developed a useful model and assessment tool that helps people determine their preferred styles and those that they under utilize. This article draws on that research.  

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It May Kill Cats, But It Strengthens Relationships

It May Kill Cats, But It Strengthens Relationships

In much of our life our competence is measured by our ability to provide answers. At work, we may feel that asking questions is a sign of weakness or incompetence. But thinking we must have all the answers, whether to save face or to project competence, can have negative results. On the other hand being curious won’t kill us or our careers. In fact, asking questions keeps us from making costly mistakes and helps us build trust.

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Be Your Best Brand

Be Your Best Brand

Whether you’re actively cultivating it or not, you have a personal brand. You and your work create an impression that colleagues and clients factor in to how they interact with you. If you are unaware of how you are perceived, ask colleagues to describe your brand....

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JOB FIT: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

JOB FIT: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

I know work is a four-letter word, but does it really have to be this painful? During my years of coaching, I've heard many clients express this sentiment. And that’s a shame. I believe work should be joyful and fulfilling. When a client is unhappy at work I want to...

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