Warding Off  Energy Vampires

Warding Off Energy Vampires

A colleague and I were discussing how some people give you energy while others drain the life out of you. At work, these “energy vampires” come in several guises: Whiners and complainers grumble about what’s wrong but don’t offer any suggestions for change Needy...
How to Deal with Conflict

How to Deal with Conflict

I rarely hear people say they enjoy conflict. In fact, I find most people go to great lengths to avoid it. But avoiding conflict rarely makes it go away, and the outcome can be worse than if it were addressed early. Conflict can be as simple as a misunderstanding or...
What Kind of Learner Are You?

What Kind of Learner Are You?

“The only competitive domain that remains is how fast we learn,” according to Peter Senge, author of The Fifth Discipline and professor at MIT. Given the importance of learning, how we view our abilities can impact how we approach learning. In her book Mindset,...
Are You Tough Enough to Lead?

Are You Tough Enough to Lead?

My summer reading has included Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson and Brad Stone’s The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon. I was surprised by how often the ideas of these two visionary businessmen were criticized by investors, their leadership team, and...
Are Your Dreams  Big Enough?

Are Your Dreams Big Enough?

Many of us go through life putting one foot in front of the other without taking time to reflect on our path. Do we know where our path is taking us? Is it where we want to go? Would another path or destination be preferable? One of the benefits that a coach offers is...