Juicy Nuggets Articles and Latest News
Build Your Personal Brand
Whether you’re actively cultivating it or not, you have a personal brand. You and your work create an impression that colleagues and clients factor into how they interact with you. If you are unaware of how you are perceived, ask colleagues to describe your brand....
Finding Peace of Mind in Troubling Times
With so many worrisome things going on in the world today — I won’t list them lest I add to the anxiety — people who previously were calm and together are getting thrown off balance by even small changes. The added stress of current events is making it harder for them...
Building Relationships with Senior Leaders
For various reasons, so many people feel reluctant to reach out to senior executives in their organization. But their reasons are, in fact, assumptions. They assume these leaders are too busy, don’t want to waste time with them, and wouldn’t be interested in what they...
Speaking Up: The Power of Self-Advocacy
Some people believe power is bad. “Power corrupts,” according to the adage, leading some to fear it. I believe, however, that power provides agency so we can get things done and make a difference in the world. When we behave as if we are powerless— that is, without...
The Power of Curiosity – It May Kill Cats, but It Strengthens Relationships
In much of our life, our competence is measured by our ability to provide answers. At work, we may feel that asking questions is a sign of weakness or incompetence. But thinking we must have all the answers, whether to save face or to project competence, can have...
Small Steps Can Make a Difference
Lately, I find people getting caught up in big issues they have little chance of resolving, such as reversing climate change, ending wars, or solving world hunger. They often dwell on how unsolvable the situations are and end up frustrated and angry. When the...
Development Conversations: Have the Talk or Your People May Walk
One of my client organizations reviewed their exit interview data to better understand why people were leaving. Among the top reasons were not seeing a viable career path and not having development conversations with supervisors. Employees expect and appreciate having...
Hot Buttons: Conflict’s Early Warning Signs
Conflict can occur rapidly, sometimes without warning. You’re talking amicably with a coworker when they make a snarky comment and wham! You feel your skin flush and your chest tighten as your amygdala prepares you to fight, flee, freeze, or appease. Managing conflict...