Juicy Nuggets Articles and Latest News
Taking Advantage of Coachable Moments
Unprecedented change, fewer workers than are needed, and a new generation with different values from past generations characterize the work world of today. These changes present unique challenges and opportunities if a company wants to attract and retain the best...
Flexibility: A Key Leadership Trait
Flexibility is a key that unlocks creativity, resilience, and happiness, allowing us to rebound when things don’t go as planned. And it’s something we can learn and enhance in ourselves. Without the ability to be flexible, you can be stumped when the one way you know...
Success Factors for Moving Up
Why is it some people continue to get promoted while others do not? In studying leaders for over 30 years, I’ve found a few differentiators stand out. Of course competence and job skills matter, but other factors can often make the difference. Collaborative, Motivated...
Getting the Ground Truth: How leaders learn what’s really going on By Richard Fogelson and Sandy Mobley
The daunting pace of change continues to disrupt organizations in all sectors. Fast-moving technical and cultural trends, new approaches to data and relentless market shifts can surprise even the most well-read and networked leader. But within every organization,...
JOB FIT: Should I Stay or Should I Go?
I know work is a four-letter word, but does it really have to be this painful? During my years of coaching, I’ve heard many clients express this sentiment. And that’s a shame. I believe work should be joyful and fulfilling, so when a client is unhappy at work I want...
Warding Off Energy Vampires
A colleague and I were discussing how some people give you energy while others drain the life out of you. At work, these “energy vampires” come in several guises: Whiners and complainers grumble about what’s wrong but don’t offer any suggestions for change Needy...
How to Deal with Conflict
I rarely hear people say they enjoy conflict. In fact, I find most people go to great lengths to avoid it. But avoiding conflict rarely makes it go away, and the outcome can be worse than if it were addressed early. Conflict can be as simple as a misunderstanding or...
What Kind of Learner Are You?
“The only competitive domain that remains is how fast we learn,” according to Peter Senge, author of The Fifth Discipline and professor at MIT. Given the importance of learning, how we view our abilities can impact how we approach learning. In her book Mindset,...